Computer Science

A Level Computer Science is a good choice if you wish to study Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Information Technology at university. Computer Science can lead to an ever-growing range of careers such as robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, big data processing, networking, ethical hacking, computer game development, home automation or even teaching.
Our A Level Computer Science qualification helps you understand the core academic principles of computer science. Classroom learning is transferred into creating real-world systems through the creation of an independent programming project. You will develop your technical understanding and your ability to analyse and solve problems using computational thinking. You will cover the fundamentals of programming, data structures, algorithms, and object-orientated programme design. The theory will cover topics such as the internal workings of a computer, the basics of how all data is stored using binary, whether that data consists of numbers, text, pictures or even music.
In addition to the general entry requirements for CTK Aquinas, you will also need GCSE Maths at grade 7 or above.
You will be assessed by two written examinations at the end of the course and a coursework project.
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London SE4 2NL