Results day 2020 at Christ the King Sixth Forms
Students and staff were delighted with their results and university destinations, including Cambridge University.
Students and staff at Christ the King Sixth Forms celebrated another year of examination results at all three sites. Students overcame adversity, taking part in distance learning during Covid19 and Christ the King students, will be progressing to universities across the country or into apprenticeship or employment opportunities.
Executive Principal Shireen Razey said “We are so proud of our students who have completed their studies during unprecedented times. It was delightful to see our students on site and to have the CTK community together again. CTK students have shown resilience, enthusiasm and dedication throughout and we wish each of our students every future success”.
Temitope got A*AA and is going to Cambridge University to study English Literature. Temi says; “When I started CTK, applying to Oxford or Cambridge was something that I had thought about but I just didn’t feel like it was within my reach. On enrolment day, I was told straight away that because of my GCSE results, applying to Oxbridge was something I could look at. I brushed it aside. It didn’t feel achievable. The moment that changed everything was when I attended an alumni evening for Scholarship Graduate Programme students. It gave me the amazing opportunity to speak to past CTK students who had progressed to Oxford and Cambridge. That was the moment I realised it was something I really wanted to do and something I could achieve if I wanted to. It changed my whole mindset. I really don’t think I could have got to where I am now if it wasn’t for all the role models CTK introduced me to, all the external speaker events where I saw Nigerian young people succeeding, this really inspired me to do my best and to achieve the highest I could”.

Temi was one of three students to receive a CTK Metric Capital University Scholarship worth £15,000 each. Temi says; “ Since I found out that I received an offer from Cambridge I had been looking for a scholarship because I don’t necessarily come from a family with a lot of money and didn’t want to put too much strain on my mum. To apply, I had to write no more than 500 words on why I felt I deserved the scholarship and any obstacles that I overcame. This got me thinking about something that held me back for a very long time. I opened up more and really dug into all the health issues that I experienced growing up and how it made me really limit the way I saw myself. My health issues were what led to me discovering a love of reading, and also made me realise that I could write my own stories. When I was younger, I suffered from health problems and I was bullied at primary school which affected my body image all the way to high school.
And then I read an online novel called ‘Becoming Beautiful’ written by a teenage girl. This book honestly changed my life. It made me realise how amazing a book can be. When I read this book, I had never felt so understood. That’s why I’m so interested in all the words we use, especially what is going on right now – how damaging words can be – and how much of an impact words can have over others. All of this inspired me to want to study English Literature at University!
I am also very grateful because I have an amazing mum and two older sisters who are inspirational to me. My mum pulled me up through every situation and continues to be the most inspirational figure in my life. She moved here from Nigeria with my dad to give me and my older sisters a better life. No matter what happened to her – what she went through, she always faces things with a kind smile. I try to take on her approach as best I can and that has inspired me and kept me going”.
CTK students were able to secure places at top universities, Joseph got A*, A, B and is going to Newcastle University to study Combined Honours in Geography, Media and Communications. Joseph said; “I feel proud because I got what I expected and what I feel I deserved.”

Marceli was really pleased to gain grades A, A, B and will go on to study Business and Law and Queen Mary’s University. He said; “My time at CTK has been inspiring, helping me to find new interests that broadened my perspective on life”.
Olivia was delighted to achieve grades A, A, A and is going to the London School of Economics to study Sociology; “I’m happy with what I achieved. Focus on your weak points rather than just doing what you know you are good at.”
Matthew was estatic to get AAA and secure a place at the University of Kent to study Forensic Science.
The CTK class of 2020 are to be congratulated on their hard work during difficult times and uncertainty and are sure to go on to great success.
To see Temi and Dwayne talking about how happy they are with their results, visit our youtube page
Trevor AQUINAS Progressed to: University of Lancaster Course: A Level Business, ICT and English Language and Literature
“My tutors at CTK were fundamental in my academic success. They were always approachable and willing to go the extra mile. I enjoyed taking part in extracurricular activities, including leading the sixth form band and being Director of the Business Enterprise Group, Student Governor and Student Head of Hall. ”
Bradley AQUINAS Progressed to: University of Nottingham Course: A Levels Maths A*, Physics A* and Chemistry A*
“At Christ the King I discovered I was resilient. My teachers really pushed me to be my best, I am in their debt, thank you for believing in me.”
Rose AQUINAS Progressed to: The University of Warwick Course: A Level History A, Politics A, Sociology A*
“CTK was a great environment for me to learn in. I’ve really enjoyed the teaching – all my teachers have been encouraging and supportive. They put in the extra time to help with workshops and revision to ensure we did well.”
Owen AQUINAS Progressed to: Royal Holloway University Course: A Level Maths A, Psychology B and Biology A
“I would recommend coming to CTK as the level of support offered by the subject teachers is exceptionally good. The best thing about CTK is being part of the friendliest group of students I've ever met. I'm applying to Oxford to study Psychology. ”
Esosa AQUINAS Progressed to: De Montfort University Course: A Level Biology, Chemistry and Maths
“My form tutor at CTK was exceptionally supportive every day. I value the freedom and independence of controlling my own learning, staying motivated whilst also having fun. The and people and sense of community provide a great environment. I have enjoyed extra opportunities such as joining summer schools and widening participation programs and becoming a student governor. I received lots of help from the careers guidance counsellor to help me realise what I want to do after sixth form. ”
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