Janet Daby MP inspires the next generation of Lewisham school leaders
Janet Daby, MP for Lewisham East, spoke to the next generation of Lewisham School leaders today at training event designed to prepare them to be role models in their schools and communities.

The event explored topics including being an effective representative, communicating ideas clearly and exploring roles and responsibilities. Janet opened the event and spoke to students about the qualities needed to be a good leader.
“I was delighted to speak to the students today. It’s so important that they are able to access this kind of training, which will help them to be leaders in our community and access opportunities in later life. I am so proud of these students and our local schools, who are training the next generation of Lewisham leaders,’ said Janet.
Head Boys and Girls, Prefects and Student Leadership teams from local schools attended the event, including Bonus Pastor School, St Columba’s Catholic Boys School, St Thomas More School, Deptford Green School, Saint Gabriel’s College and St. Mary’s Catholic High School, amongst others.
David Pearson, Director of Wider Learning, Careers, & Partnerships at Christ the King, said: ‘We were delighted to be able to host this event and to welcome Janet Daby to speak with students. Effective communication, interpersonal and leadership skills are invaluable tools which can help students during their schooling and in the future and this was a fantastic opportunity to bring students from local schools together to learn from the experience’.
The training day explored topics including, being an effective representative, communicating ideas clearly and exploring roles and responsibilities.
The event was run by the Unloc Enterprise Academy which a non-profit organisation is helping to enable schools and colleges to inspire, motivate and develop the enterprising mind-sets of their young people.
Unloc was founded in 2013 by award-winning young leaders and advocates Hayden Taylor and Ben Dowling.
Trevor AQUINAS Progressed to: University of Lancaster Course: A Level Business, ICT and English Language and Literature
“My tutors at CTK were fundamental in my academic success. They were always approachable and willing to go the extra mile. I enjoyed taking part in extracurricular activities, including leading the sixth form band and being Director of the Business Enterprise Group, Student Governor and Student Head of Hall. ”
Bradley AQUINAS Progressed to: University of Nottingham Course: A Levels Maths A*, Physics A* and Chemistry A*
“At Christ the King I discovered I was resilient. My teachers really pushed me to be my best, I am in their debt, thank you for believing in me.”
Rose AQUINAS Progressed to: The University of Warwick Course: A Level History A, Politics A, Sociology A*
“CTK was a great environment for me to learn in. I’ve really enjoyed the teaching – all my teachers have been encouraging and supportive. They put in the extra time to help with workshops and revision to ensure we did well.”
Owen AQUINAS Progressed to: Royal Holloway University Course: A Level Maths A, Psychology B and Biology A
“I would recommend coming to CTK as the level of support offered by the subject teachers is exceptionally good. The best thing about CTK is being part of the friendliest group of students I've ever met. I'm applying to Oxford to study Psychology. ”
Esosa AQUINAS Progressed to: De Montfort University Course: A Level Biology, Chemistry and Maths
“My form tutor at CTK was exceptionally supportive every day. I value the freedom and independence of controlling my own learning, staying motivated whilst also having fun. The and people and sense of community provide a great environment. I have enjoyed extra opportunities such as joining summer schools and widening participation programs and becoming a student governor. I received lots of help from the careers guidance counsellor to help me realise what I want to do after sixth form. ”
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